Before sin Adam was?

“La mortalité est sa condition, mais sa mort est cependant conditionnelle” Humbert [1]

Sometimes the French say it best?

[1] Van Ee, J. J. (2013). Death and the Garden : : An Examination of Original Immortality, Vegetarianism, and Animal Peace in the Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia.

1 thought on “Before sin Adam was?

  1. BruceP

    Wow, COD, some fronsay! I don’t feel like going deep Adelaide about death and mortality while we’re in lockdown, but I can help with Humbert.

    I googled ce type Humbert, got the pedophile antihero of “Lolita”. Never read it, not going to now. Thought it probably wasn’t relevant. It was a bit of a dead end, so I went to – it didn’t work so well because they’re too clever by 25% nowadays and bully you back to – even explain why it’s best for you.

    Anyway I eventually found this story in the Figaro, which I guess might be relevant: a massive cause celebre a la fronsay.

    Vincent Humbert, l’homme qui a relancé le débat sur la fin de vie

    CES AFFAIRES QUI ONT CHANGÉ LA SOCIÉTÉ (4/4) – Le décès de Vincent Humbert a marqué un véritable tournant dans le débat sur la fin de vie. Sa demande de droit à mourir a fait naître la loi Leonetti de 2005. Selon le député, «le malade incurable doit pouvoir décider de ne pas être prolongé en vie».

    Poor bloke who famously fought for the right to die. He young man suddenly left quadriplegic after a tyre blew out when he was driving round a bend.



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