Category Archives: Christadelphian EC stories

“It was only after a friendly discussion with a SDA who questioned my belief in ‘a real talking snake’ rather than Satan in disguise that I freed myself to read Genesis chapters 2 and 3 as a powerful allegory. Later I learned to read chapter 1 as a grand celebratory poem of creation, suitably positioned at the very beginning of the Bible – and it’s not the only poem about creation in the Bible, either!”

“Now my belief in the Bible has never been stronger and I can reconcile the creation with the world around me.”

“I eventually decided to…see if I could be convinced that the Bible and Science could coexist … You guys who’ve been…putting the info out there are literally life savers. Thanks.”

{aww shucks}

“. . . they were using out of context quotes, outdated sources, misrepresentation of facts, arguments copied from evangelicals, and ignorance of basic evolutionary science.
The more I saw such weak arguments . . . the more I became convicted that there were no good arguments against evolution. I was not alone in this.”

“I’ve reluctantly come to acknowledge the evidence for common descent . . . It has mainly been the noticeable lack of reasonable arguments from the creationist side that made me rethink it.”

“Grew up with anti-evo talks from (sometimes scientific) brethren whose argument amounted to irreducible complexity/ personal incredulity/ conflict with Genesis kinds etc.  Became aware (and amazed) a few years ago that there were apparently coherent Christadelphians who accepted evolution.  Knowing that true faith has nothing to fear, set out to honestly investigate, assuming I’d quickly find a flaw.  After educating myself, discovered that evolution was fact.”

“These types of anti-evolution talks, and the speaker’s refusal to answer questions and instead accuse me of not believing in the Bible definitely was a factor in accepting the facts of evolution. The argument I always heard was ‘because my interpretation of the Bible says so,’ while providing no evidence.”

“The recent material appearing in a range of Christadelphian publications which attack the scientific consensus on Evolution and promote the view that Genesis should be read as a . . . scientific account . . . has further solidified my position close to the Evolutionary Creation viewpoint. . . .I sense in the articles a lack of confidence, an overreaction in response to a perceived threat and hostile fear which I do not detect in writings on other Biblical subjects. There is no openness toward the idea of any uncertainty on the subject at all, which I find quite disturbing and not in line with our professed ethos of being searchers of Truth.”

“The tipping point..into full acceptance of evolution was when I realised that the Biblical ‘kinds’ kept coalescing…”

“… when I read articles/editorials in the magazines opposing science and evolution … I find myself … cringing at the errors in both fact and logic…. This is particularly sad, as one of the best things this journey has given me is an appreciation of our pioneer brethren and editors past.”